校長的話 Principal’s words



B.E.S.T. Teen 2022-2023   校長序言


優秀少年 (B.E.S.T. Teen) 是基因遺傳、與生俱來,還是後天培育、努力得來的?也許你曾遇過一些天生異稟、家庭環境優越,但始終不能成為出類拔萃的人;也許你也遇過一些自出生便輸在起跑線,沒有天資天賦,也沒有社會資源,但卻能突破自我,創造奇蹟的人才。你能否從這些人身上總結出成功的關鍵因素?


其實,優秀的人都具備良好的個人習慣。常言道:「態度決定高度」,他們相信只要找到熱情所在,誰都可在自己專屬的舞台發光發亮。他們積極學習有效策略,勤加練習,適時反思,轉化挫敗經驗為成功的基石,讓成功經驗孕育成功。面對挫折或患難時,他們能聚焦於影響圈,專注可以改變的事情上,不會自怨自艾。他們也重視睡眠,讓自己能長期處於精神飽滿、情緒穩定、思路清晰的狀態,提升學習及工作的效能。正如英文俗諺「You are what you eat」,他們注重飲食,選擇有利大腦健康的食物,如堅果、豆類、綠葉菜等,好好「補」腦。學習品味食物,除了滿足生理需要,也為自己帶來心靈上的愉悅。每天更要飲用充足水分,既帶走體內的廢物,也有助減壓。他們生活多忙,也不忘運動。運動除了強身,也能強心,既可減壓,亦能強化正面情緒,提升大腦功能。




保馬人,讓我們善用暑期,建立良好的習慣,掌握有利成功的關鍵因素,創造成功的經驗,「從無到有,從有到優」。期待大家經過暑假實踐後,領略到優秀少年 (B.E.S.T. Teen) 的成功策略,體會到前所未有的滿足感,向優秀少年的目標邁進!


POMA's philosophy


A Professional Learning Community committed to Positive Education

The key to school development and student growth lies in the professional capacity of teachers. POMA's teaching team possesses a "Growth Mindset" and is convinced that students' intelligence and abilities can be developed. Teachers are not only familiar with the curriculum and the educational trends, but also willing to try different teaching strategies to promote effective learning. Moreover, POMA teachers understand the needs and characteristics of students' growth. Through acting as role models, our teachers cultivate students with love and patience to promote whole-person development. We embrace challenges, endeavour to pursue lifelong learning in the teaching profession, and build professional learning communities enthusiastically.


Guiding Students to become Lifelong Learners with Growth Mindset

Through regular lessons, our teachers let students experience the joy of learning, comprehend the connection between their learning and real life, and gain inspiration from various subjects. Furthermore, our teachers hold a variety of co-curricular and cross-curricular activities, as well as global classroom exchanges, allowing students to actively explore knowledge outside their classrooms. To match the characteristics of the subjects and the traits and learning styles of our students, our teachers design tailor-made, diversified and effective teaching strategies to cater for learners' diversity. In addition to effective strategies, our teachers value the importance of praising and encouraging our students. It enables students to recognize their efforts in the process of learning and personal growth. We teach students to regard failure as a step to achieve success, seek and master improvement strategies. Students are encouraged to embrace challenges for self-transcendence and lifelong learning. Each lesson is filled with interactive communication, collaborative knowledge acquisition and celebration of accomplishments.


Fostering Students to become Positive "B.E.S.T. TEEN" Leaders with Growth Mindset

We firmly believe that the difference between "excellence" and "mediocrity" is based on whether people have a "Growth Mindset". The pursuit of excellence should focus on the progress made during the process, rather than competing with others. Through a variety of activities and systematic leadership training, our school allows students to set challenging goals, master effective strategies and practice them actively. Apart from giving explanation and constructive feedback, our teachers guide students to gain experience from their failure to achieve "Transcendence" and become the "B.E.S.T. TEEN". POMA strives to incorporate positive education into the curriculum, empowering teachers, students and parents to work together to build the path to a flourishing life. There are seven important paths (7 Well) leading to a flourishing life, including Mentality Well, Sleep Well, Exercise Well, Eat Well, Study/Work Well, Play Well and Love Well. Our school is committed to creating a positive campus and establishing a school that treasures physical and psychological well-being through the formulation of sound school policies, the running of teacher professional development programs and parent education, the adoption of effective medium of instruction, the building of a positive learning environment, the provision of useful facilities, the offer of meaningful courses and the organization of school activities.


2022-2025 年度,學校以 「七好習慣」(Make 7 Well a Habit) 為三年發展主題,深化七個好習慣,包括 想得好、睡得好、食得好、運動好、學得好、玩得好和愛得好,從而建立良好的個人及社交習慣,讓保馬師生、 家長攜手追求幸福豐盛的人生。
本年度以「恆毅志成」(Grit to success)為年度主題,強調在達成志向或目標的旅程中,恆毅力至關重要。 一個人能否保持恆毅精神,必須緊記當初對目標的熱情,找對方法,刻意練習,反思求進。學期初,學校收集了 老師的恆毅故事,分享一個個老師在本科的奮鬥歷程,學習學科時的有效策略,當中如何堅毅前行的心得。中六 級學生正值備戰文憑試的關鍵時刻,他們也立下個人志向,向著心儀的科目及院校進發。學校所強調的並不是光 靠立志,就能志成,而是提醒學生可參考老師的恆毅故事,學習有效的方法,並持之以恆,讓溫習成為一個恆常 習慣,那就能向心中志向更邁進一步。
踏入十月,學校鼓勵全校師生參與「興趣達人」計劃,於本年度學習一項新技能,可以是學習一項運動、一 種樂器、一種語言、一種藝術創作等;或提升水平,例如以個人最佳成績完成十公里比賽、考獲樂器六級資格等。 這計劃旨在讓師生自主地發掘個人興趣及提升個人能力,深化成長型思維 —— 相信找對方法,加以練習,人 人皆可尋求突破,自我超越。師生在學習新技能的過程中,更可領略成為終身學習者的秘訣。
家長在培養子女的恆毅力方面也可擔當重要角色。在教學生涯初期,我有一段記憶猶新的片段,每一次學界 籃球比賽,不分陰晴,其中一位隊員的家長必定到場觀戰支持。其實家長不需要熟悉籃球技巧,只需要你的陪伴 同在,這已是學生的強心針,讓學生堅持下去的原動力。在學習上,家長可為子女提供一個安靜的溫習環境,讓 學生專注學習。家長可著眼於子女在學習歷程中的努力,也適時肯定他們的成果,那怕是一點點的進步,讓成功 孕育成功。子女在成長路上難免經歷困難阻滯或目標不達預期的關口,這時,家長的陪伴同行尤為重要,聆聽他 們的需要,遞上一張紙巾,讓你們的愛化成子女前進的燃料。談到「興趣達人」計劃,家長除了為子女提供必要 的學習資源,也鼓勵家長與子女一同訂立全年目標,各自學習一項新技能,結伴同行。或許家長在學習新技能的 過程中,也能體會學習的困難,提升個人的同理心,更理解子女的需要。


Be a Lifelong Learner, Be a POMA Leader!
