生活與社會科及公民與社會發展科課程特色 Citizenship and Social Development Curriculum










Citizenship and Social Development Curriculum


Both Citizenship and Social Development and Life and Society share a common aim to equip students with the literacy, competence and values required for life and work in the 21st century.


Citizenship and Social Development complements other senior secondary school subjects, encourages students to integrate and apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Based on evidence-based knowledge and subject content, students get a comprehensive and correct understanding of the situation and development of Hong Kong, China and the contemporary world. From studying topics of various fields, e.g. economy, science, technology, environmental protection, sustainable development, public health, students cultivate rational and multi-perspective thinking, and improve problem-solving skills. The subject aims to cultivate positive values and nurture students to become responsible citizens.


Life and Society aims to connect knowledge and students’ daily lives, help students recognize themselves positively, improve their abilities to cope with daily and future challenges; cultivate students’ sensitivity and interest in local, national and global issues, become knowledgeable and responsible citizens who will contribute to the development of a just and caring society.


The school’s Life and Society, Citizenship and Social Development panel closely collaborate with other humanities subjects and the Moral and Civic Education Committee to enhance students’ knowledge and skills through diversified life-wide learning activities, such as visits, service learning, intra- and off-campus competitions, and exchange tours to enable, enrich and extend learning, and nurture students to become self-reflective, knowledgeable and responsible citizens.


