學生全人成長藍圖 The Blueprint for Students’ Development

學校秉承保良局的辦學使命,以「愛、敬、勤、誠」為校訓,以「優化教學,成就雋才」(Be a Lifelong Learner, Be a POMA Leader)為使命,以「優秀少年」(B.E.S.T. TEEN)為學生全人成長培育藍圖,照顧學生的成長需要,培育學生的品德及領袖的能力,成為二十一世紀才德兼備的良好公民。
我們堅信「優秀」與「平庸」之別,全繫於人是否具備成長型思維 (Growth Mindset) ── 相信人的智力和能力是可以發展的,不在於與人比拼。只要認清目標,勇於跨越安舒區,學習有效策略,投入時間刻意練習,從失敗中總結經驗,恆毅前行,以達致自我超越(Transcendence),追求卓越。
The Blueprint for Students’ Whole-person Development
Adhering to Po Leung Kuk’s mission, we adopt the motto “Love, Respect, Diligence, Integrity”. Our vision is to inspire students to be “Lifelong Learners and POMA Leaders”. Apart from taking care of students’ growth needs, we cultivate their virtues and leadership skills to support their whole-person development. We endeavor to provide all-round education and nurture talented and upright students so they can be the “B.E.S.T. TEEN” in the 21st century.
We firmly believe that the difference between an ordinary mediocrity and an extraordinary genius is related to the possession of the ‘growth mindset’ – believing that people's intelligence and abilities can be developed, but not just comparing with others. As long as students can identify their goals, dare to step outside their comfort zone, acquire effective strategies, devote their time to persistent practice and sum up experience from failure, they can move forward to achieve self-transcendence and pursue excellence.
The school is devoted to promoting the traditional Chinese virtues of benevolence and coaching students to respect and treat others with courtesy. We aim to foster students' empathy and care about others’ feelings. We nurture students to realize the spirit of filial piety, respect and care for the campus and community. We motivate students to build the POMA campus together, help the disadvantaged, support environmental conservation, as well as giving back to the community.
The school clearly sets out the principles of classroom routines and school rules, which can not only cultivate students' awareness of compliance, but also enable students to distinguish between right and wrong and understand the principles of ethical behaviors. The school is committed to cultivating students' correct values and citizenship. Through academic courses and life-wide learning activities, students are exposed to the process of knowledge, affection, intention and conduct to foster good moral character and values. We cultivate students to develop critical thinking and understand the rights and obligations of different identity roles. When facing choices or difficulties, students are taught to consider the well-being of others and the society and act ethically.
Through lesson design, teachers train students to create a passion for learning, master effective learning methods, establish good study habits and become lifelong learners. Students are directed to maintain a regular routine, pay attention to healthy eating and sports, and move towards a healthy life. We cultivate students' self-awareness, guide them to recognize their strengths and manage their emotions properly so that they can make sensible choices for subject selection and career planning.
Each student has their unique talent. Through participation in a variety of co-curricular activities and life-wide learning activities, students can discover their personal interests, set challenging goals in different fields, master effective strategies, and practise self-reflection after feedback to achieve self-transcendence. In addition to offering leadership posts at different levels, the school conducts comprehensive leadership training programs to let students exhibit their leadership skills.