正向教育 Positive Education


正向校園  讓學生成長 · 邁向幸福人生


2017年,賽馬會向學校撥款350萬元推行正向教育。學校已成功將正向教育的元素融入校本學生成長培育藍圖(B.E.S.T. Teen)內。學校已確立以全校參與模式推動正向教育,並訂立三個發展路向,包括主課程、聯課活動及班級經營。學校也致力締造有利的環境推動正向教育,包括學校政策、教師專業發展及校園環境營造。學校通過正向教育,讓學生在學習過程中全情投入,建立正面人際關係,培養成長型思維、正向情緒、成就感及生活的意義。


In 2017, the Jockey Club donated $3.5 million to our school in order to promote positive education. Our school has successfully integrated the elements of positive education into the school-based student development framework (B.E.S.T. Teen). Through the promotion of positive education, students can develop a positive outlook on life and establish harmonious interpersonal relationships with others.



POMA RUN到聯課活動  讓師生具備成長型思維


學校推廣長跑(POMA RUN),培養師生的成長型思維(Growth Mindset),讓師生相信「人的智能、能力及素質是可以發展的」,以力求自我超越 (Transcendence)。學校逢周四放學後舉行,師生自由參加,一起訂定具挑戰的目標,跳出自己的安舒區。通過教練及體育老師的訓練,讓同學學會有效的策略,持續練習,並得到準確回饋。學生能培養反思的習慣,更重視學習歷程,總結成功經驗,尋找未成功的原因,欣賞他人的成就,從中學習有效策略,學習感恩。同時,我們鼓勵友伴同行,互相砥礪,持續追求卓越。學校期望學生能從POMA RUN 擴展至聯課活動,再遷移至學習和人生的不同領域,自我超越!


Through the training in POMA RUN, students can get feedback to develop strategies to achieve success. Students are expected to extend their Growth Mindset to different areas of life, become role models and continue to pursue excellence.



由長跑課程到其他主課程  讓師生共同擁抱挑戰




We extend the idea of growth mindset developed from long-distance running to the main curriculum, motivating students to reflect on their performances and move towards their goals. Our teachers design challenging and enjoyable tasks that cater for learners’ diversity.


由班級經營到學生成長支援  讓師生邁向幸福人生


教師是促進學生成長的重要人物,我們運用「正向管教」(Positive Discipline)和「成長型思維」(Growth Mindset)和經營班級,善用正向教師語言和教學策略,培養學生的自信、自律、責任感、同理心及協作能力,讓他們在安全有序而愉快的環境中學習,與人建立正向人際網絡,共同享受校園生活,建立正向社群。教師團隊共同研習「善意溝通」,分享交流,有效地推動正向訓輔模式,透過了解學生的感受和需要,幫助學生解困,建立正向社群。


We adopt "positive discipline" and foster "growth mindset" in the classroom to cultivate students’ self-management. Good teacher-student communication and student support are emphasized to build a positive community.


